Luke (Audio-CD)

A World Turned Upside Down


Auf den Wunschzettel
Auf den Wunschzettel

1 A World Turned Upside Down
2 What Sort Of Song?
3 A King In A Castle Through
4 Simeon's Song
5 A Little Boy Lost
6 The Bridge
7 A Breath Of Prayer
8 How Much More A Servant Could He Be?
9 The Pain and Persistence of Doubt
10 Freedom
11 Seven Endless Miles

THE GOSPEL OF LUKE celebrates the world being turned upside down by an impoverished baby, wrapped in rags, asleep in a cattle trough. He matured into a homeless, itinerant spokesman for his Father, speaking luminous parables and prayers we are still struggling to live up to and understand. The greatest exercise of His unlimited power was to follow His followers, to wash their feet and serve them a final meal just before He was crucified in weakness. Luke seems amazed that His followers were unwilling or unable to let go of their doubt on that final dark day that was at the same time the real day, the beginning of light for all of us who follow Him in amazement to this day.

These songs hope to simply scratch the surface of the upheaval and amazement and mystery and incredulity that is Luke's Gospel. Each one is meant to be a bridge over in to the Gospel, an invitation to engage the text with your imagination and take a step closer to the original event that was the earthly life of Jesus Of Nazareth.

ISBN 9780830838011
1 Audio-CD

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ideegrafik Kreativagentur GmbH